Monday, December 17, 2012

November 6th Post to my Facebook Friends

Warning for those tired of Politics - this is a political post: (feel free to scroll on by if you have had ENOUGH) 

For everyone else, let me start by saying that I have refrained from engaging in posting an inordinate amount of political r
hetoric. I believe it is every individual's right to express his or her own beliefs, but I wanted to refrain from foisting my beliefs on my friends and acquaintances on fb. I also believe it is your right to refrain from engaging in political discourse, which is why this will be my one and only post on the subject. (albeit a rather long winded one) 

Having said that, I would like to say that I am standing proud of my decision today. I am proud to live in a country where we can still disagree with each other in public and remain friends afterward.

I voted. I voted for Romney. I am unashamed. In fact, I am proud that I live in a land where I can vote for the person I choose. I did not vote against Obama. I voted for a man with a proven record in balancing budgets and creating jobs. I voted for a change in this election.

I am not a racist. I am not against Obama. I am for a different approach to our government.
I love my fb friends and family. I am not taking a swipe at anyone with my declaration. You have the right to make your own decisions. I hope you all vote with the same convictions that I have. I know in my heart that my decision was the right one for me. 

Regardless of how you vote for, VOTE! You have a privilege simply by being an American citizen. You have to exercise your rights in order to protect them. 

I am not opening myself up for debate...just thought I would put in my 2 cents worth in, in a non-judgmental, non-confrontational manner. 

To keep our great country alive after today, we will all have to learn to work with those who hold different opinions. 

We cannot let this election destroy what has made America the homeland that we all love. It is up to us to continue our friendships beyond this one election. It is up to us to prove to our children and grandchildren that we respect the system and uphold the laws in this great land. 

Democrats, Republicans and Independents - I call on you to avail yourself of the Democratic Process today. Vote your heart and your conscience. Be proud that you voted. Be proud that you attempted to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

I know many of my friends are Obama supporters. I do not wish to debate your politics today. I support your right to choose the candidate you feel is best qualified to support you.

I also realize that some of my friends are abstaining from voting in this election. I urge you to reconsider if you do not plan to vote. This is your chance to pick those who govern us. It is your chance to make a stand for what you believe in.

If neither candidate appeals to you, ask yourself - what if everybody abstained? We have a choice...more than that - we have a responsibility to the future of the United States. Stand up and be counted today. 

I still love and respect all my friends. Politics can be an ugly thing. Let us all make a real effort to support our friends. I want you all to be my friends tomorrow.

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